Friday 8 May 2015


Our final park for today was within the site of a former Expo site which was held here in 1973.

The site consists of a large number of exhibition halls each one themed to a specific country it looked like. Most of these were empty.

A small train yard broke up the monotony of exhibition halls.

5 minutes from the entrance we were in amongst the amusement rides, which were still operating.

Surprisingly there were people here, probably more than at Lenin but they were congregated around some of the halls and not the parts of the park that we were interested in.

This was the coaster, a chinese made coaster called Montana China, which we thought was quite amusing. Usually these rides were called Russian Mountains in honour of its origins. I guess China has so much influence in Cuba that they dropped the Russia for them instead.

Unfortunately China wasn't being hospitable to us today and this ride was also closed.

So we had a quick explore around the rest of the park.

We didn't find much else of interest so we were exiting pretty quickly stopping only to purchase some water from one of the busier buildings, where I guess the people had gathered because water was available. We do take having choice for granted and it was a little eye opening to be somewhere where that choice is restricted or taken away completely.

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